Sunday, February 21, 2010

Feb 21

[Row Sprint 30 sec @ 100% effort; Rest 2:30 off rower; Repeat 5 times] x 2
rest 10 min b/t sets of 5
record total meters per 30 sec set
you should have 10 total scores
compare avg meters recorded on Feb 17th to this time

post times and meters to comments


160, 160, 160, 159, 159 (Damper 6.5)
160, 161, 161, 160, 160 (Damper 7)
Average: 160.0
Feb 17: 156.6

Felt much stronger today. Slowest split this time was my fastest on the 17th. Using a higher damper definitely made a difference. Managed to get it down to 1:28/500m which is a PR for sure.

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