Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Feb 9th

A1. OHS @ 32X1; 6-8 x 4; rest 120 sec
A2. Muscle Ups - 8/set x 4; rest 120 sec
B1. Jump Squats - 10 explosive x 3 sets; rest 90 sec
B2. CTB Chin Ups - 20 reps x 3 sets; rest 90 sec
Tabata Mash:
Switch Lunges
Anchored Sit Ups

post loads, notes, reps, and times to comments
stay down there for the OHS
arms at full ext at bottom and top of MU
minimal squat on jump squats, rebound explosively
knee barely grazes ground on switch lunges, jump b/t steps
chest hits thighs AND body must be parallel to floor at top of sit ups - compare to Jan 30 score

A1. 30kg x5, 30x6, 35x6, 40x3
A2.8, 6/2, 6/2, 6/2, 5/3
B1. 40 kg, 60, 80
B2. 20, 20, 19/1
Total: 238

Did jumping lunges as per catalyst athletics using a squat rack:


Really, really liked these. However, based on the loads that others are posting there must be an alternative method...

Had a very tough time getting into the OHSs. Shoulders still super tight from last WOD. Those alternating lunges absolutely crushed my legs. I am loving the strength training+short metcon's.

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